Predicting Which Best Picture Nominee Will Win the Oscar Based on Movie Titles

How concerning titles? affirmative, you'll tell plenty a couple of film by its title, and concerning its accolade probabilities, too. We've compiled some handy information concerning every Best image nominee's title and what it says concerning the film's probabilities come back time at hand out the awards.
Sydney Prosser (Amy Adams, left) Associate in Nursingd Irving Rosenfeld (Christian Bale) conceive to scam an underneath cowl agent in Columbia Picutres' yankee HUSTLE.Columbia photos
Movies with the word "America" in their titles... win a Best image Oscar: two (An yankee in Paris; yankee Beauty) get nominative for BP, however not win: two (America, America; yankee Graffiti)
Movies whose titles refers to against the law or act of duplicity... win a Best image Oscar: two (Mutiny on the Bounty; The Sting) get nominative for BP, however not win: eleven (The Racket; She Done Him Wrong; Imitation of Life; Libeled Lady; Grand Illusion; The Caine Mutiny; The Hustler; Mutiny on the Bounty; The Killing Fields; The Fugitive; Traffic)
Movies with a main character's last name in their titles... win a Best image Oscar: ten (The nice Ziegfeld; Ben-Hur; Tom Jones; Patton; Annie Hall; Kramer vs. Kramer; Gandhi; Schindler’s List; Forrest Gump; Shakespeare in Love) get nominative for BP, however not win: forty five (Disraeli; monger Horn; Arrowsmith; The House of Rothschild; Alice Adams; Captain Blood; David Copperfield; Ruggles of Red Gap; Anthony Adverse; Dodsworth; adult male. Deeds Goes to Town; The Story of Louis Pasteur; The lifetime of Emile Zola; The Adventures of Robin Hood; farewell, Mr. Chips; Mr. Smith Goes to Washington; Kitty Foyle; national Kane; Here Comes adult male. Jordan; Sergeant York; Mrs. Miniver; The glorious Ambersons; gentlewoman Curie; Wilson; Mildred Pierce; grayback Belinda; Julius Caesar; adult male Roberts; The Diary of Anne Frank; Elmer Gantry; Dr. Strangelove or however I Learned to prevent Worrying and Love the Bomb; mother Poppins; Doctor Zhivago; Who’s scared of Virginia Woolf?; Doctor Dolittle; Butch Cassidy and therefore the Sundance Kid; Barry Lyndon; Prizzi’s Honor; Boche Maguire; sensible can Hunting; Saving non-public Ryan; Erin Brokovich; Capote; archangel Clayton; Lincoln)
Movies whose titles embody a paygrade... win a Best image Oscar: o get nominative for BP, however not win: vi (The Smiling Lieutenant; Captain Blood; Captains Courageous; Sergeant York; Saving non-public Ryan; Master and Commander: The so much aspect of the World)
Movies with a town name in their titles... win a Best image Oscar: four (Cimarron; Casablanca; Associate in Nursing yankee in Paris; Chicago) get nominative for BP, however not win: eighteen (Hollywood Revue; Shanghai Express; San Francisco; In recent Chicago; The metropolis Story; adult male. Smith Goes to Washington; Casablanca; Roman Holiday; Peyton Place; Judgment and Nuremberg; Chinatown; Nashville; Fargo; L.A. Confidential; Gangs of latest York; Munich; Letters from invasion of Iwo Jima; time of day in Paris)
Movies whose titles appear to be they must in all probability have a possessive apostrophe, but don't... win a Best image Oscar: zero get nominative for BP, however not win: four (Boys Town; Kings Row; Dead Poets Society; Howards End)
Movies whose titles area unit one intangible noun... win a Best image Oscar: one (Crash) get nominative for BP, however not win: eight (Alibi; Suspicion; Crossfire; Deliverance; Traffic; Atonement; Inception; Moneyball)
Movies whose titles finish in "ity"... win a Best image Oscar: one (From Here to Eternity) get nominative for BP, however not win: three (Double Indemnity; Atlantic City; Sense and Sensibility)
Movies whose titles area unit created up 3 letters or fewer... win a Best image Oscar: zero get nominative for BP, however not win: four (Z; JFK; Ray; Up)
Movies that have the word "her" in their titles... win a Best image Oscar: one (Ben-Hur) get nominative for BP, however not win: one (Hannah and Her Sisters)
Movies with U.S. state names in their titles... win a Best image Oscar: zero get nominative for BP, however not win: two (In recent Arizona; Mississippi Burning)
*Note: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington and Gangs of latest House of York each consult with cities, not states, and therefore the "Virginia" in Who's scared of writer could be a human lady.
We adored American state, however this is often very the sole one we tend to might think about for it. Sorry, Alexander Payne. Sorry, everybody.
Movies whose titles area unit simply a main character's forename... win a Best image Oscar: five (Rebecca; Hamlet; Marty; Gigi; Oliver!) get nominative for BP, however not win: twenty (Skippy; Cleopatra; Ivanhoe; Shane; Fanny; Cleopatra; Alfie; Lenny; Rocky; Julia; Norma Rae; Tess; Bugsy; Babe; Elizabeth; Seabiscuit; Ray; Juno; Precious; Hugo)
Movies whose titles were mispronounced by old master DiCaprio on live tv... win a Best image Oscar: zero get nominative for BP, however not win: zero (There are often only 1 Philomania.)
12 Years a SlaveFox light
Movies with numbers in their titles... win a Best image Oscar: vi (It Happened One Night; round the World in eighty Days; The Godfather half II; One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest; Million dollar Baby; Slumdog Millionaire) get nominative for BP, however not win: thirty six (Seventh Heaven; 5 Star Final; One Hour with You; forty second Street; The non-public lifetime of Henry VIII; One Night of Love; street Melody of 1936; A Tale of 2 Cities; 3 sensible Girls; 100 Men and a Girl; Four Daughters; One Foot in Heaven; forty ninth Parallel; Henry V; Miracle on thirty fourth Street; A Letter to 3 Wives; Twelve O’Clock High; Seven Brides for Seven Brothers; 3 Coins within the Fountain; The 10 Commandments; twelve Angry Men; The resistant Ones; m Clowns; Anne of the Thousand Days; 5 simple Pieces; Born on the Fourth of July; The Godfather half III; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Phoebus Apollo 13; The Sixth Sense; The Lord of the Rings: the 2 Towers; District 9; 127 Hours; Toy Story 3; Zero Dark Thirty)
Movies that consult with a unit of your time in their titles... win a Best image Oscar: two (The Best Years of Our Lives; round the World in eighty Days) get nominative for BP, however not win: nine (One Hour with You; girl for a Day; The Yearling; The Longest Day; Anne of the Thousand Days; Dog Day Afternoon; Remains of the Day; The Hours; 127 Hours)
Movies whose titles embody mention of Associate in Nursing animal... win a Best image Oscar: three (The cervid Hunter; Dances with Wolves; The Silence of the Lambs) get nominative for BP, however not win: seventeen (Of Mice and Men; the small Foxes; The Maltese Falcon; The Ox-Bow Incident; The Snake Pit; Cat on a Hot Tin Roof; To Kill a Mockingbird; The Lion in Winter; One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest; Dog Day Afternoon; The Elephant Man; Raging Bull; Kiss of the Spider Woman; hunkered Tiger, Hidden Dragon; Black Swan; War Horse)
Movies whose titles embody the name of a street... win a Best image Oscar: one (The street Melody) get nominative for BP, however not win: five (42nd Street; The Barretts of Wimpole Street; street Melody of 1936; Miracle on thirty fourth Street; Sunset Boulevard)
Cast your bets, folks. Captain Phillips sounds like it's this one fastened down.
*Special because of writers Julia Emmanuele and Jordan Smith for serving to to compile information and diverting the madness of this post, and to our CTO Greg Zimerman for ill hours of labor once my Word Doc crashed. you are a hero, Greg.